
| Characters | Transcript

SG-1 must stop a renegade Stargate commander, who has gone mad and set himself up as a god on an alien planet.

DVD DISC: Season 1, Disc 2
WRITTEN BY: Robert C. Cooper
DIRECTED BY: Dennis Berry
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Transcript by Lauren Freeman
Edited by Deanna Moll-Landry
SG1 Transcripts

We start in the woods, at night; smoke (Or is that fog?) crosses the path making it imposable to see beyond that. Suddenly a black man (Conner) comes running through the path, a white man (Franks) right behind him, suddenly we see why there running, three men are after them.

CONNER: Come on, Franks, let's go!

Franks drops something and runs back for it.

FRANKS: Conner! Conner! I dropped my remote! (Conner grabs it. )

CONNER: Got it!

The natives of the land can be seen in the woods. One shoots a blow dart that hits Franks in the shoulder. Franks falls down.


Conner keeps running not knowing his friend has fallen. He gets to the Stargate and starts dialing Earth. We see Franks trying to make it to the gate, but have alot of trouble he falls. Conner gets the gate open and puts in his teams code. That's when he notices Franks is not with him.

CONNER: Franks! Franks!

FRANKS: Go. Go!!! (Franks fall face first in the dirt. The natives of the land are drawing closer. Conner runs, the natives surrounds Conner, a man who does not look like he is from this land, he looks to be from Earth, stands over him (Earth man 1). He picks Conner up by his hair. Another that looks to be from Earth stands at his feet (Earth man 2))

EARTH MAN 2: Franks, Franks, Franks. I'm disappointed you, my son. (He then pulls out a gun and aims at Franks head, one gunshot to the head and Franks is dead. The Natives gasp at seeing this power, Conner stops in mid run and turns around. The natives immediately goes after Conner, we see the gate shut. ) So, Conner got through.

EARTH MAN 1: What about this one? EM2: Burn him. (They poor what can only be a gas on Conner then they take a torch and light a fire.)


We open once again in on the same planet, with SG-1 coming through the gate. It's now daylight on the planet. The gate closes behind them.

JACKSON: For a planet with a UV radiation as high as this one is supposed to have, the plant life seems to be doing very well.

CARTER: Apparently Abydos was the exception, not the rule, as far as tree's are concerned.

JACKSON: Well that makes since, for a plant to support human life there must be some sort of Carbon-based vegetation, right?

TEAL'C: It is no accident. Many Stargate worlds were tare-formed by the Goa'ulds, centuries ago.

O'NEILL: Okay, let's take a quick look around the gate, before we move out to find SG-9.

CARTER: It's can't be that far.

JACKSON: I don't know, this Stargate is literally out in the middle of nowhere, I doubt it plays an active role in anybody's cultural. (Jack and Danny start down the trail. Sam stops at the DHD and just looks up while putting on her gloves. Teal'c comes up behind her.)

TEAL'C: Is there a problem Dr. Carter?

CARTER: No birds. (They both start to walk.)

(Okay this has to be smoke, it's rising from the ground.)

We see Danny walking alone through the woods.

JACKSON: There should be a road up here or something or ... Jack? Guys? (Suddenly a man comes up from the ground and pulls Danny in a headlock. He grabs Danny's gun and points it at Danny's neck.) Ahh! Okay, okay, don't shoot. (We suddenly see another gun pointing at Conner's neck, Jack appears.)

O'NEILL: That's very sound advice. (Conner slowly takes the gun away from Danny's neck Jack grabs it away. Conner looks to see who has him.)

CONNOR: Colonel O'Neill.

O'NEILL: Lieutenant Conner? (Conner looks like he is about to cry, then collapse, Jack and Danny catch him before he falls.) Alright, alright, come-on. (They drag him away. They go back to the gate.) Alright Conner, what's going on? Command received your signal six hours ago, and no one came through. Why?

CONNOR: Hanson.

CARTER: Where is he, we need to talk.

CONNER: No, don't.


CONNER: Franks ... he ... (Conner gets up and starts running, SG-1 follows. We go to view what's left of Franks, looks to just be a couple of bones and his dog tags. Conner bends on one knee at the site.)

O'NEILL: Conner? (Conner picks up Franks dog tags.) Conner, I need to know what happened.

CONNER: Permission to speak freely about a superior officer, sir?

O'NEILL: Yeah, go ahead.

CONNER: He's lost it, he's out of control.

CARTER: Captain Hanson?

CONNER: maybe it was the sun, radiation.

JACKSON: Wait, are you saying the sun did this to Franks?

CONNER: No, sir. Captain Hanson did that to Franks.


CONNER: For trying to get back through the gate.

O'NEILL: I don't buy that.

CONNER: Sir, we were trying to warn command about what's really going on, the people here, they believe he's their god!

TEAL'C: Because you came through the Stargate?

CONNER: No, no, you don't get it. Hanson believes it too.

O'NEILL: Carter? (Jack and Carter go to the side to talk. Conner starts to bury what's left of Franks.) I want you to take Conner back through the Stargate, report to General Hammond what's happened here.

CARTER: No, sir.

O'NEILL: No, Sir?

CARTER: If you are going after Captain Hanson, I should go with you, I can get to him.

O'NEILL: Look, Captain, either were bringing him back to face a court- marshal, or not. I think we both no what the ‘not' means.

CARTER: I know him, Colonel.

O'NEILL: Yeah, that would be the problem.

CARTER: I gave him back the ring because I know him. I know how he thinks, how he operates.

O'NEILL: How he likes to play god?

CARTER: Look, I don't understand how that could happen, any more then you do, but if SG-1 is going after him then I am going with you.

CONNER: Wait a minute, you, you, you can't do that, there hundreds, probably thousands of them. H-he's their god. They'll die for him, they'll kill for him in a heartbeat.

O'NEILL: That's not your problem, now I need someone to report back to the General, and that is you.

CONNER: No, sir.

O'NEILL: No sir? Dose it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?

CONNER: I know the planet, the situation, I think it's suicide. But if your going, I'm going, sir. (Sam looks at him like he's lost his mind. )

TEAL'C: But you are not physically able.

CONNER: Frank was my friend.

CARTER: This isn't about revenge.

CONNER: Maybe not for you. We got to move now, in daylight.

O'NEILL: Well, were off to see the wizard.

CONNER: I hope you packed lot's of sun block.

(What is Danny doing? I think he is messing with Franks grave!) Danny suddenly gets up.

JACKSON: Well, were mostly undercover.

CARTER: The probe's data indicated that shade, even heavy cloud cover won't protect us, it can be pouring rain, and we'll still burn.

CONNER: She's right.

O'NEILL: Then why on Earth, are we traveling during the day?

CONNER: Were not on Earth, people here live in caves. I think they used to be mines; they only come out at night. There probably still after me, sir.

O'NEILL: To OZ. They start to walk again.


We see Earth man 1 standing outside, in the day light looking up and around. There are large sunburns on his face.

(Earthman 2 will now be known as Hanson. And Earthman 1 will be known as Baker)

BAKER: (Walks into his cave, and meets Hanson who is standing at a large rock. Children look to be sitting on the rock.) Your right, they sent SG-1. (Hanson looks at his dog tags, then tears them off and throws them down. )


It's night time, and they have a fire going. Daniel is eating, and looks very disgusted Sam is looking at something.

JACKSON: This taste like chicken.

CARTER: So what's wrong with it?

JACKSON: It's macaroni and cheese. (We go behind Danny, Sam, and there tents and see Jack and Teal'c, in the woods messing with something.)

O'NEILL: Teal'c?

TEAL'C: The premature is established. (Teal'c throws a rock into the woods, suddenly lights turn on and a very loud alarm goes off.)

O'NEILL: Perfect. (The alarm turns off.) If any little rocks sneak up on us, we'll have plenty of warning. (They return to the tents, Conner walks up. )

CARTER: So, any ingenious Lion's, tigers, or bears I should lying awake worrying about?

CONNER: The plant life is all that seems to live in the sun.

JACKSON: You know how could something like this actually happen. The SG teams are supposed to be made of well-trained professionals.

CONNER: Well when we first met the cave dwellers, they immediately bowed down to us, thought we were gods.

JACKSON: Well that's a fairly common phenomenon, I mean uh, it happens.

CONNER: Except Hanson didn't deny it. Told us it might be safe if we allowed them to believe he was god for a while. He said it was the system of government they needed to retake their world.

JACKSON: And, you were okay with that?

CONNER: Franks was our anthropologist, he agreed with Hanson, that might be safer. But the longer we stayed here, the stronger they believed. On our forth or fifth week here, a young child wanted out of the caves, and must've gotten lost, Hanson went on after him, he was gone for two full days before he came back. Carrying the child, barley alive in his arms.

CARTER: The cave dwellers must have loved him for that.

CONNER: Yeah, they did, he wasn't the same after that.

CARTER: Your saying that's what sent him over the edge, the sun?

CONNER: It want any one thing, if it was, me and Franks, we could of seen it coming. Done something about it before ...

TEAL'C: Before what?

CONNER: There were a few cave dwellers that got the ides the Hanson was just a man, like they were, thanks to Franks and I. He had them tied to stakes and left out in direct sunlight, if they lived seven days, they were allowed back in the caves.

JACKSON: A number of certain Biblical events took place over the course of seven days.

CONNER: By then they were blind. Giant bleeding burns all over them. Just took them a little longer to die. Personally, I'd rather eat a bullet.

O'NEILL: I'll take first watch.


It is still night and we see Hanson walk out of his cave and stand at the edge of a cliff, we look over the cliff and see small fires burning everywhere. And men and women working.


We see Jack on watch; Conner wakes up and goes up to O'Neill.

CONNER: Hey, Colonel, I'll take watch. (We hear a noise then see a native walking close. Both pull out there guns, there are lots of them, and they're getting closer, Jack wakes Teal'c, and then Danny.)

O'NEILL: Let's go, we've got company.

JACKSON: Are you sure? (A dart hits right next to Danny's head. )

O'NEILL: Pretty sure. (The Natives start to shout and then they step into the alarm. The alarm goes off, and lights turn on. Jack stands behind a tree shooting, Sam quickly wakes up gun in hand. She to starts shooting, Conner shoots, Teal'c uses his staff to hit a tree, half the tree falls and sparks fly everywhere. This seems to scare the natives. ) (

Where was Danny? Was he hiding?)

TEAL'C: They appear to be gone.

O'NEILL: Yeah, Conner? (No sign of him.) Conner? (Apparently, the natives have captured him.)


It's now morning, we see what the workers were working on the night before. It looks to be the skeleton of a large building.

HANSON: The temple is taking too long to build.

BAKER: There working as hard as they can.

HANSON: But not as long as they can. Divide them into shifts, day and night.

BAKER: You can't.


BAKER: They'll die.

HANSON: Sacrifice. Their way to salvation.


SG-1 are walking down a trail through the woods. Teal'c has point, Sam and Danny are walking together in the middle leaving Jack in the back.

JACKSON: They were probably instructed just to take Conner. Send us a message that Hanson's in Control.

CARTER: Sounds familure.

JACKSON: Witch part?

CARTER: He likes control.

JACKSON: Oh. What did you see in him?

CARTER: I don't know. I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe. He was ... he was charming.

JACKSON: That's good, charming is good.

CARTER: I don't no. I should be more surprised by this then I am, but I'm not. You know, he had this in him, Daniel. Too many years of Black Ops.

JACKSON: Well that's typical of are government's evaluation of solders. The crazier they are, the more extreme situation they seem to be put in to.

CARTER: He wasn't happy when I broke off the engagement, but he seemed like he really pulled himself together when we met up at Stargate Command.

JACKSON: Apparently not. (Suddenly Teal'c stops and motions for everyone to be quiet. Jack walks up to Teal'c.)

O'NEILL: What do you got Teal'c?

TEAL'C: This way. (They get to a cliff, and see hundreds of people working on the temple in the daylight. Teal'c tosses Jack a pair of binoculars.) The road out of the valley, passed the mountain. (We look into the binoculars, and see people pushing a cart with a large rock on it, then a man tied to a pole, very burnt. We move left and see another man tied to another pole, left again, and we see Conner tied to the last pole. Jack shakes his head and sighs.)

O'NEILL: I'll be back in 30 minutes.

TEAL'C: If your are thinking about rescuing Conner ...

O'NEILL: Not yet, Captain? When the time comes I'll need your help getting in the front door.

CARTER: I'm prepaid for that, sir. (Jack gets up and leaves. )

TEAL'C: There will be none left to worship if this continues.

JACKSON: Like Abraham. (Both Sam and Teal'c look at Danny. )

TEAL'C: Who is Abraham?

JACKSON: A biblical figure. Believed to be the father of man, God tested his faith by instruction him to make a great sacrifice, his son Isaac.

TEAL'C: Did he sacrifice his son?

JACKSON: He gave it a good shot before a angle stopped him. At the last minute. (We look through the binoculars and see a bunch of men trying to help a fallen man, with little success. Baker sees this and goes over there.)

BAKER: Get up!

WORKER: He's worked straight through the night, he needs rest.

BAKER: Shut up! (The fallen man try's to get up but can't.) Do I have to make an example? Do I? (Baker takes the butt of his gun and starts hitting the fallen man with it. The man starts to scream.)

CARTER: Hey, look over there. (She hands the binoculars to Teal'c and gets up.)

JACKSON: Whoa. Where are you going?

CARTER: I can't just stay here and watch him beat that man to death.

TEAL'C: You will be captured.

CARTER: Uh-huh.

JACKSON: You think that's a plan.

CARTER: Daniel, I can get to Hanson, that's what the Colonel was talking about.

JACKSON: Well can you at least wait until he gets back?

CARTER: A man could be dead by then. (She runs off. Leaving only Danny and Teal'c left.)

JACKSON: We should have stopped her.

TEAL'C: We would have failed. (We see Jack standing somewhere else watching what's going on with the worker. He runs behind a bush, pulls out his gun and uses the aim magnifying glass tiny as binoculars to look at Conner. From Teal'cs binoculars, we once again see the man being beaten. Suddenly Sam is their punching Baker down to the ground. )

CARTER: Well, that was refreshing. (Jack runs back to Danny and Teal'c. )

O'NEILL: Conner looks bad, there are two guards who ... EM1: Jonas! (We see Sam giving herself up.)

O'NEILL: Daniel?


O'NEILL: Never mind. It's probably are only way in without a fire fight anyways.


We see Baker with a gun to Sam's back taking her into a cave.

CARTER: Alright, alright. (Sam is lead to stand in front of Hanson who is at his throne with women at his feet.)

HANSON: Well, it's about time.

CARTER: Hello Jonas.

HANSON: And you never thought I'd amount to anything. Quite a leap isn't it? From Captain to ...

CARTER: What's happened to you Jonas?

HANSON: Please, sit down. (Sam sits down. ) These caves were once mines they primate the hillside for miles. But these people have been multiplying like rabbits. They don't have the technology to dig themselves more space, they don't have the courage to leave the caves. It's like a third world country in a bottle.

CARTER: And you think yours saving them?

HANSON: I know I am. These people, their human beings. They're like us. How can we turn our backs on them? Kidnapped from Earth, forced into slavery for centuries!

CARTER: We can't change that.

HANSON: Yes we can, we must help.

CARTER: Well how is posing as a god and slowly working these people to death going to helping?

HANSON: I hate that word, stop using it. I'm not posing! It is a matter of definition my people need me. They believe in me, and because they believe they work.

CARTER: To death.

HANSON: Were building a civilization, Sam. There are going to be sacrifices. It's better then rotting in caves, living and dying in squalor like you've never seen. I'm creating a great people.

CARTER: In your image?

HANSON: Yes. It's going to be wondrous! You'll see, you'll see.


The remaining SG-1 stands from where they were sitting.

O'NEILL: Alright, were going to have to get one of them alone, talk to him.

TEAL'C: They could give us away.

JACKSON: Maybe not, maybe not. I think I've got just the candidate. (We see a man who has sneaked off to the river to drink and wash off. Danny walks up next to him and starts to wash his hands. The man looks at him, fear in his eyes. Danny waves hi, then looks back down. Jack walks up to the other side of the man, he looks up and sees Jack. The man quickly jumps up and turns around to run only to be met by Teal'c. Teal'c puts his finger to his lips.)



Hanson is showing Carter pictures drawn on the walls of the cave. The drawing is of animals and people dancing under a giant orange bubble. A table type thing in the middle.

HANSON: I really wish I understood these drawings.

CARTER: Why don't you ask your people?

HANSON: All knowing.

CARTER: You knew I would come didn't you?

HANSON: How could you not? Healer of the emotionally wounded. I was your one failure. The bird with the broken wing that wouldn't heal.

CARTER: You seem to be flying well enough on your own.

HANSON: I hoped that you would understand. (Hanson turns his back to her. She grabs her gun and cocks it loudly. He quickly turns around. )

CARTER: I do understand, your sick and you need help.

HANSON: That your idea of help?

CARTER: Yes, you're coming back with me.

HANSON: Well, your gonna have to use it, Sam. Go on. It's still loaded, pull the trigger. (Sam's hands start to shake. ) Do it! (Hanson comes closer to Sam.) So help me, that is the only way your going to stop me. What's a few deaths compared to the survival of MY people? Killing their savior might irritate them a little, but at least I'd be gone.

CARTER: Don't make me do this.

HANSON: Go on, pull the trigger, one more fraction of an inch. (Hanson slowly takes the gun out of Sam's hands. Sam looks like she is about to cry.) You had the gun. You appeared to have all the power. Yet, I was in control. That is the strength of a god.


SG-1 has the man lying under a tree.

JAMALA: My name is Jamala, Jamala. Pleas don't kill me.

JACKSON: No, we won't.

JAMALA: Jonas said you would come. Devils with power like him here to destroy us.

JACKSON: No! No, were not devils. Were men like yourself. I'm Daniel, this is Jack and this is Teal'c.

O'NEILL: Hi! (Jamala looks at Teal'c.)

JAMALA: Is ha a Jaffa?


JAMALA: Don't kill me!

JACKSON: No! It's okay! He's friendly, he's a friend. (Danny gets up and puts a hand on Teal'c's shoulder. Teal'c has a huge frown on his face. ) Smile, look friendly. (Teal'c puts on the worst smile I have ever seen in my life. )

O'NEILL: Your going to have to work on that a little bit.

JACKSON: How do you know he's a Jaffa, have you seen one before? (Jamala shakes his head.)

JAMALA: No, just stories from when I was a young boy. Long ago. He is a servant of the old gods, yes?

O'NEILL: Well yes and no. He's from another place. So are we.

JAMALA: Another place?

O'NEILL: Earth. It's way, way out there, where we're from, Jonas too. See he's not a god, he's just a man. A crazy man, granted, but ...

JACKSON: Okay, Okay, Jonas is bad.

O'NEILL: But it's alright, he can't hear you right now, he can't hurt you.

JACKSON: But he will if you and your people continue to believe in him and follow him.

JAMALA: No, he will save us!

TEAL'C: By laboring you in the sun until extinction?

JAMALA: If we finish the temple, Jonas will make the sky orange. It will be safe to come out in the light. There will be no more sickness.

O'NEILL: The sky, orange?

JAMALA: The sky. Up there. (He points up.) (Danny sighs.)

O'NEILL: Yeah, I know what the sky is. Why?

JAMALA: When the sky's orange, it's good. There's no more sickness.

TEAL'C: And Jonas can make the sky orange?

JAMALA: Yes, he can.

TEAL'C: How do you know?

JAMALA: He say's he can.

O'NEILL: Do you know what he's talking about?

TEAL'C: I believe so.


We see Hanson walk out of his cave, along with Sam. The walk out to the cliff looking out at the workers working.

HANSON: It's going to be magnificent. Isn't it?

CARTER: What's the point Jonas, by the time it's built there'll be no one left to worship you.

HANSON: Please. Mere survival for these people will require unquestioning faith, pure devotion. They must believe in me, if I'm to lead them into the desert, to the promised land. I'm merely separating the wheat from the chaff. Besides I'm supposed to be crazy, right?

CARTER: I never said you were crazy.

HANSON: But you think it don't you? (Laughs), That's alright. I still have faith in you even if you don't believe in me, yet. You'll come around.

CARTER: I don't think so, Jonas.

HANSON: Come here. (He grabs her by the arm and pulls her back into the cave. )


eal'c is drawing a picture on a piece of paper, the picture looks like the table thing that was drawn on the wall in the cave.

JACKSON: What is it?

TEAL'C: It's is something I have seen the Goa'ulds use. It creates an energy force high in the air.

JACKSON: What, protection from the radiation, like this planets sun?

TEAL'C: The device I saw appeared to turn the sky orange.

JAMALA: The cave painting tells of this. They show this symbol.

O'NEILL: Have you ever actually seen one of these things he's talking about? (Jamala nods.)



Hanson pulls back a curtain and we see a large cloth over something big. He pulls the cloth off and we see what must be what the picture is talking about. Sam goes around it to look at it.

CARTER: What is it?

HANSON: Looks like something the Goa'ulds left behind. What I gathered from the local folklore is that the ancient gods used it to make the sky orange, to protect the people from the sun sickness.

CARTER: Some sort of shield.


CARTER: You don't know how to work it?

HANSON: Not my area of expertise.

CARTER: You never cared about me coming here because you wanted me, Jonas, you just wanted me to figure out how to turn this thing on for you.

HANSON: Oh no! That's not true, I sincerely hope that one day you will agree to be my goddess. Turn it on.

CARTER: What if I won't?

HANSON: The we will watch every last cave dweller die in the sun, before I kill us both. He hath not failed one word of his good promises. I've been carrying this for years. Pulls out a Bible. All along I've been looking for God. And here I am.


JAMALA: So you betrayed your gods, as I am betraying mine?

TEAL'C: The beings I betrayed were not gods. They had power, but power alone does not make one a god. Do you understand? (Meanwhile behind them, Jack and Danny are working. Jack has Jamala's clothes on and Jamala has Jacks on. Jack looks to be putting make up on to make him look dirty. )

O'NEILL: Can't leave Conner out there another day, he'll die.

JACKSON: We also have to do something about Captain Carter. But if Teal'c can turn on this device, we could seriously undermine Hanson's power.

TEAL'C: There is a problem with your plan, Daniel.

JACKSON: Wait, don't tell me you don't no how to turn it on.

TEAL'C: Yes, I can turn it on. But there must be two.

JACKSON: What are you talking about?

TEAL'C: The shield technology evolves a force field, being bounced back and forth between the two devices.

JAMALA: I have only seen one, in his cave.

JACKSON: Hanson may not no, he needs the second device.

TEAL'C: This is the valley. (Teal'c has drawn a bunch of triangles to look like mountains he puts a circle on one end and a ladder looking thing on the other.) Here is the Stargate. (He traces the circle.) Here is the temple. (He traces the ladder looking thing. )

JAMALA: Good drawing.

TEAL'C: Thank you. Where was the first device found? (Jamala points to a spot near the Stargate.) Then the second device is ... (He draws a x with a circle around it all the way across the valley and near the temple. )

O'NEILL: Your assuming the Goa'ulds just shut them down and left them in place.

TEAL'C: That is correct.

O'NEILL: I'm sorry Teal'c. Your calculations could be way off. Conner doesn't have time for us to be wrong. I'll go after him. You try to find that second device. I'll try to meet you back here. (Jack runs off. )

We see Teal'c, Danny and Jamala walking through the woods. Jamala is way ahead of the others. They find a rock platform but nothing on it.

JAMALA: This place is like where the other one was found on the far side of the temple. (Danny and Jamala get down on the knees and start wiping away the leaves and stuff from the platform.)

JACKSON: This is like solid rock, well never be able to get through this. (Teal'c, who was standing off the platform looking around, comes to join Danny and Jamala. he looks at the spot Danny and Jamala are messing with and taps on it with his staff. Nothing happens.)

TEAL'C: Stand aside. (Danny looks up at Teal'c the jumps up, drags Jamala up and pushes him off the platform. Teal'c follows them, then aims and fires his staff weapon at the spot in the middle of the platform. There is now a large circular hole in the plat form, Danny runs up to it. Teal'c and Jamala follow. )

JACKSON: I just hope it still functions.


We see Jack hiding behind rocks making his way to the poles. He stops behind a rock and pulls out a blowgun. He aims at one of the guards and aims and blows. (LOL!) It hits the guard right in the chest. He passes out and falls down the cliff. Jack walks up to Conner. Conner's head is down and his eyes shut.

CONNER: Kill me.

O'NEILL: Are you sure? I've come all this way. (Conner's head snaps up in surprise. Jack unties him. )Can you walk?


O'NEILL: Let's go. (They start slowly walking.) Think we can pick up the pace a little bit here? (We hear a man shout. Then see Baker in the background. We hear his gun cock. Guards surround the two. Jack turns to Baker. ) Hey, how you doing? You know we'd love to stick around but some brain-dead sycophant left my buddy out here to die. So were out of here. (Baker backhands Jack across the face.) Ow. (Baker takes Jacks gun off him, then his knife. )

BAKER: Move. (he pushes Jack, they all start to walk. )


We see Sam with her little computer thing with wires sticking out and going into the shield maker.

CARTER: The control board seems to follow the same basic circuitry patterns as the gate technology.

HANSON: Just turn it on.

CARTER: What is I can't? (Jack walks in.) Colonel O'Neill.

O'NEILL: Captain. I see everything's working out just as we planned. (Jack smiles. Hanson walks up to Jack and does something to his wrists. )

HANSON: Shoot him!

CARTER: No! Alright I'll ...

O'NEILL: Wait, your going to turn this thing on in here?

HANSON: Do it now. If it works, I'll spare him. (Sam turns to Jack, who nods and waves her to get a move on it. Sam messes with something then orange light shoots up to the ceiling.) It's beautiful.


Danny and Teal'c have the other shield maker out from under ground. Jamala is nowhere to be seen.

JACKSON: Will it work?

TEAL'C: I do not know. (We see Jamala running at top speed towards Danny and Teal'c. )

JAMALA: Everyone is being forced to gather at the circle of the gods.

JACKSON: The Stargate.


The Stargate has been knocked down, and all the villagers surround it. Canner and Jack sit on the knees near the gate, hands tied in front of them. Baker stands behind them, and Hanson and Carter stands behind Baker.

HANSON: My children. Today is a great day! The sun stood still in the heavens, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. I have the power to help, and to cast down. But fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. Today, we will bury the doorway, that brings forth demons who threaten to undo us. But first I will send those evil undoers who have already invaded our world, back to the hell from whence they came. (He points at Jack and Conner. He dials in Earths address.) Fear not, for I the lord your god, control the gateway to the underworld. (The gate opens. The people jump as it opens. Sam looks like she can barley control her rage. )

CARTER: You said you wouldn't kill them.

HANSON: I'm not, I'm sending them back to Earth.

CARTER: Without sending the signal to open the iris they'll die.

HANSON: Please Sam, I'm having a moment here. (He returns to yelling.) I am the lord your god, there is nothing I cannot do. No one is greater then I. No one is more powerful then I. Throw them in. (Jack and Conner are pushed up and taken to the edge of the rock going over the gate. Suddenly Danny appears, he jumps on to the edge of the gate.)

JACKSON: Wait! Stop! (Jamala shooters Baker with Teal'cs staff before he can shoot. )

JAMALA: Back away! (Hanson pulls out a gun; Sam kicks it out of his hands. Hanson backhands her, and Jack looks pissed. Hanson and Sam start to fight and Jamala shoots the staff right by Hanson causing him to stop and turn. Sam is on the ground.)

JACKSON: Listen to me, no matter what Jonas has shown you or done for you, he is not a god.

HANSON: Don't you listen to him! They are demons, agents of the devil! I am your savior!

O'NEILL: Were not demons, for crying out loud.

JACKSON: This ... (He picks up a gun.) This is not magical power. It is called a gun, and it is a machine. (Danny makes the clip fall out. The villagers gasp. )

HANSON: Do as I say! Or you will all die!

O'NEILL: Do as he says and you WILL die.

HANSON: Do not betray me, after all I have done fore you! I promised you I would bring you out of the caves, into the light. Today I fulfill that promised. (He walks over to the shield maker.) Behold the magical power that belongs to your god! I give you the sun. (He turns it on.) I give you the world. (The light goes straight up, but does nothing more. Jack gets his ropes off. Hanson goes over to Sam and jerks her by her vest.) What's wrong?

CARTER: I don't know!

HANSON: Fix it!

JACKSON: It's a machine, I can make it work, and so can you, just like Jamala there can fire that staff. Now I'll show you how, there are two devices. And both must be turned on for the shield to work. Watch. (Danny nods. Jamala shoots the staff in the air. Teal'c sees it, and turns on the other shield. Suddenly both bright light hooks together like a rainbow, then a large orange dome forms. )

MAN: Look! Look! (Hanson grabs Sam.)

HANSON: I'm taking you with me!( Jack pushes Conner off the ledge, and tackles Hanson, sending Hanson, Jack and Sam down and on the ground. The villagers are very mad at Hanson and tackles him. The villagers are mad and all make a mad dash grab Hanson. They pick him up and they throw him into the Stargate. No one had time to dial in the code. Sam looks kind of sad. )


The gate is back up and SG-1 and some villagers are hanging around talking. Jack is standing by himself looking at something when Sam walks up to him.

CARTER: Uh, I think were ready.

O'NEILL: Think we should tell them to bury the gate after were gone?

CARTER: Teal'c seems to think the Goa'uld won't be back. (Danny walks up.)

JACKSON: maybe we should come back and check on these guys.

CARTER: I think we've done enough, don't you? (Danny nods and walks away. )

O'NEILL: Something else on your mind?

CARTER: I had the chance to end this, Colonel, he literally asked me to do it.

O'NEILL: Killing a man is no badge of honor, Captain.

CARTER: I know.

O'NEILL: Look, I'm no expert on this thing. (He waves the Bible Hanson had.) I generally read one commandment, and I think it's the first.

CARTER: "I am the Lord your God, and you shall take no other God's before me?"

O'NEILL: Okay, so it's not the first one. I'm talking about the No Killing one. No matter what the reason, every time you break it, you take one step closer to Hanson. (Sam nods. )

CARTER: Thanks. (Jack hands her the Bible, then goes to where the rest of SG-1 and the villagers are talking.)

O'NEILL: So, you going to be alright?

JAMALA: Yes. (Jack and Jamala shake hands.) The world outside the caves ... it's very big, yes?

JACKSON: Yeah, it's bigger then you can imagine.( Danny and Jamala shake hands. Danny walks away and to the Stargate, he dials home. Sam transmits the code, and SG-1 plus Conner walks. up to the gate. The episode ends looking up at the orange sky.)