Zeditron Industries

From The Stargate Omnipedia


Zeditron Industries


Corporation originally specializing in fiber optic host channel adapters, owned by Adrian Conrad, who was smart enough to diversify before the market bottomed out. Now Zeditron is responsible for everything from shipyards to sportswear factories.

Conrad used Zeditron Industries in order to obtain a Goa'uld symbiote and capture Samantha Carter in the hopes of finding a cure for his illness with her memories of Jolinar, in conjunction with the creature's natural healing abilities.

A subsidiary of Zeditron is Immunitech Research.


Desperate Measures - Zeditron Industries successfully obtains a symbiote from the Russians, which later takes Conrad as a host.
Nightwalkers - SG-1 learns of Immunitech Research, a subsidiary of Zeditron Industries, which orchestrated a mass-cloning of the Goa'uld symbiote.