
From The Stargate Omnipedia


Hunted nearly to extinction by the Goa'uld, those left of the Reole are nomadic, and hesitant to trust outsiders. The species naturally secretes a substance that can make an individual believe the Reole is not a threat, often incorporating themselves into the culture of the infected species to avoid detection. The substance also has the ability to alter memories and to make the Reole appear as one of the target's own species -- the perfect camoflague.

This natural substance is the only advantage the Reole have, as they are peaceful creatures and are unable to defend themselves. Though it is an advantage, it is also the reason they are nearly extinct. The Goa'uld fervently wish to discover the secret behind the substance.

Reole are physically very tall, lanky bipedal creatures with thick strands of "hair," and dark black eyes. Their heads are almost skeletal in shape.

The Reole are xenophobic, probably due to Goa'uld persecution, but are not opposed to forming an alliance with Earth. A group has recently settled on a world unbeknownst to the System Lords, where they hope to rebuild their culture.




The Fifth Man - Members of SG-1 return to Earth with knowledge of a fifth team member, Lieutenant Tyler, but no one at the base has ever heard of him. He is, in fact, a member of the Reole, a species capable of altering a person's memories in order to camoflague themselves.