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Neil G
Neil G
6 days ago

The quality actually looks pretty terrible.

6 days ago
Reply to  Neil G

Agreed, looks naff

6 days ago

I’m pretty sure this is based on an old fanmade model. It’s too narrow and too thin. The glyphs seem to be correct.

6 days ago
Reply to  dantini

They are not. 😕

6 days ago

The gate itself looks fine, the detail on the etching is impressive. Even the paint job gives it a worn look, which I kinda appreciate.

But the base is terrible. It’s too big and it should have been steps.
If you look at the first image it’s full of scuff marks (or a bad paint job).

6 days ago

We have to wait how the final product will look like. I believe it is a nice price/quality ratio. Not everybody has got 3d printers so I believe lots of fans will be happy to get this gate. I hope they will release some additional parts later (like stairs, SGC ramp, shaking dempers, Iris, DHD) so everybody could setup their own SGC or offworld MW gate.

5 days ago

No DHD? I wonder if they will release the Pegasus and Destiny gates?

5 days ago
Reply to  Revan2574

Have you read the article?

“And how about additional Stargates for the Pegasus Galaxy and Destiny? Master Replicas confirmed to GateWorld that they do have plans to produce these pieces as well, and preliminary work is already underway for the Atlantis gate. If it stays on track we might see it late this year or early in 2025. When the Destiny gate arrives, the current plan is that it will be a Collectors Club exclusive.”

Travis Robinson
Travis Robinson
5 days ago

Just don’t get anything from Fan home if they offer it, you will be lucky to get your parts and pieces on time if at all, I’ve waited five months so far hopefully this company does better than that

Marton Szokor
5 days ago

I’m so happy that we’re getting Stargate models!

4 days ago

It seems to me. Not everything Amazon touches turns to gold. Especially when they lie so many times about doing what they say. They’re gonna do, and then turn around and do nothing. They wanna totally change it. So personally, whatever new stargate to come out with, they could stick it where the sun don’t shine.

4 days ago

The base is what’s drawing the most criticism on Reddit. It doesn’t make it look authentic. Why didn’t they just go with the stone steps? Or even one that looks like the ramp at the SGC would be cool.

Darren, there’s a typo in the article’s last line – fist five ships instead of first five.

3 days ago
Reply to  Shelly

Fixed — thank you! I understand the lack of “wow” on the base. MR could have gone above and beyond and do a whole set with a stone-looking base or SGC ramp, a DHD, etc. That would be awesome … but it would have raised the price and impacted sales. I know that Eaglemoss struggled with this when they were developing the Stargate model — how to manufacture it cheaply enough that they could sell it at the right price, give people enough value, and still make money. So MR ended up going with simplicity for the base. They’re selling… Read more »