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1 month ago

Thanks for the interview. Always been a fan of Stargate. I must admit, at somme point, each series were getting old. (Or I… But no, even rewatching). It got to a point where I would not recommend… But not SGU. SGU was the best. Even beter than the begining of SG-1. SGU benefited from an existing Universe but was from another caliber. I would, I still, recommend SGU. I would say:”Stargate” and before any comment I would say “Stargate universe”. REALLY worth it… “Its not a plastic show, you got drama, darkness, comic… Really good show”. I’ve had comment against… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Gabriel
1 month ago

I wanted to like SGU, since I loved both SG-1 and Atlantis. When the first episode aired, and not even half way in, we see two of the soldiers having sex in a closet. That was extremely disappointing as it sent a message to viewers that at least someone on the production team didn’t trust the series to make it without luring in audience members with a cheap and meaningless sex scene. It told audiences that the production team thought we were shallow minded and not able to enjoy a show unless it was cheapened with a meaning less sex… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by ctleng76